Fold Up Church Church

Fold Up Church
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This fun project can help teach children the names of the basic items in the Church and what they are for. It is printed on both sides of the paper. See below for folding instructions. Click on each image and it will open in Adobe Reader. This is a two sided print, and printers vary on how they print, so you may have to print several versions until you get both sides lined up.

Church inside Church outside

Fold Up Domestic Church
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We recently had one of our customers call and ask if we could think of way she could use our fold up church to show the concept of the domestic church and faith being reinforced in the home. Here's what we came up with – it worked great for her and we hope you like it to! If you flip the doors for the church over to the back side they become the doors for the home, which echos everything in the church. The three colors of the rooms are the primary colors, for in the home we are the primary teachers of the faith to our children. The kitchen is on the same side as Mary, for as the mother prepares the food for her family, Mary prepares the way for us to Jesus, the Eternal Bread of Life. Also the fruit on the table represent the Fruits of the Holy Spirit. The pictures in the living room are where the Tabernacle is in the church, for the presence of Christ dwells in the hearts of the people in the home. The lit candles remind us of His constant presence. The flower design on the couch comes from the flowers in front of the altar. The bookshelf with the bible on top is where the lectern is, reminding us to live by the Word of God at home and at church. The glass of iced tea beside the couch reminds us that the Word of God refreshes our souls. The stained glass Crucifix is the same as the one in the church, reminding us that Christ is always there, at home or at church. The bedroom side is the same side as the Baptismal Font is, that is where we become a child of God and our faith is nurtured there. There is also a small statue of Saint Joseph above the bed, for he watches over us the same as he did the baby Jesus.

Click on each image and it will open in Adobe Reader. This is a two sided print, and printers vary on how they print, so you may have to print several versions until you get both sides lined up.

Church inside Church outside

How to finish!

Finish: After printing, you will have to trim 1/2" off each side. Now fold it in half lengthwise, most of the art will be on the outside. Now fold both ends into the center - it will fold right along the vertical side of the angel windows. Next, gently fold the top layer only of each side back out, forming the triangle shaped rooftops on each side and exposing the doors and round Crucifix window. See design at the top of the page and below for folding example.

How to Fold